Friday, March 2, 2012

Mega Man Concepts

These are a couple of mega man futuristic concepts that I was asked to come up with. the designs are that of Mega Man, his companion Rush, Cut Man and a couple of fight/suspense scenes


  1. Camille,

    I've loved your Mega Man art! I'm actually an independent comic book writer who can't draw, and I've been cooking up ideas for a Mega-Man-esque story. If you'd be willing to illustrate it for me, I'll host it on my soon-to-exist website, and split any profits we make. Get in touch!

    ~ D

    1. Hi D,

      Sorry that I haven't been in touch sooner. Thanks for the feedback and I'm glad that you love my work. I'd definatley be interested in illustrating for you. Feel free to email me and look foward to hearing from you soon!

